



Disaster recovery isn’t just data backup; it’s a comprehensive plan to restore your entire IT environment and keep your business running smoothly, 即使意外发生. Whether it’s a natural disaster like Hurricane Katrina or a cyberattack that cripples your systems, a solid disaster recovery strategy ensures you’re prepared to bounce back quickly, 尽量减少对您运营的影响, 声誉, 底线是. Here’s what we’ll cover in this article to explain disaster recovery and how it can keep your New Orleans business resilient when your operations are at risk: Understanding 灾难恢复 Disaster recovery goes beyond safeguarding your […]




想象一下,有一天早上登录你的电子邮件,发现一个空的收件箱. 没有邮件,没有附件,没有过去的谈话记录. Or envision discovering that all your contacts in your sales and marketing CRM are gone. 如果您的数据没有正确备份,这些可怕的情况就会发生. 虽然许多人认为云服务会自动保护他们所有的数据, 事实并非如此. Cloud-to-cloud data backup has become an essential strategy to ensure your data remains protected, 即使依赖于第三方软件即服务(SaaS)应用程序. Here’s what you’ll find in this article: Understanding the Responsibility Divide When […]


10 Questions to Coordinate Hardware Updates with Your Transition to Windows 11 

10 Questions to Coordinate Hardware Updates with Your Transition to Windows 11

With Windows 10 End of Life (EOL) approaching on October 14, 2025, it pays to be proactive. 虽然你可能专注于软件升级, there are also important questions about hardware refreshes that often get overlooked. Updating your operating systems is just one piece of the puzzle; updating your hardware is essential to protect your business and boost performance. 当Windows 10达到EOL时, 微软将停止提供更新和安全补丁, 使您的系统暴露于网络威胁和合规性问题. 这意味着你需要更换不能运行Windows 11的设备. 然而,这种必要性也提出了[…]


澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation Named Implementation Partner for iManage Document Management Software 

澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation Named Implementation Partner for iManage Document Management Software

(新奥尔良, 洛杉矶- 7月22日, 2024) – 澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation is now an Implementation Partner for iManage, 领先的律师事务所信赖的文档管理软件平台, financial service industries and other organizations that handle vast amounts of information. 这种合作关系使澳门网赌大全网址提供无缝, end-to-end solutions that transform how organizations manage and secure their vital documents. 凭借Bellwether的专业知识和iManage的先进技术, clients get a streamlined document management experience from purchase to implementation and beyond. 现代企业文件管理系统的必要性, 尤其是律师事务所, 金融服务, 医疗机构, 生成和管理大量数据[…]



Mergers and acquisitions have become common in the managed IT service provider industry. 业主通常出于各种原因选择出售他们的公司, 比如退休, 访问其他资源, 或者是想要从他们的投资中获利. 虽然收购可以带来一些好处,比如增加金融稳定性, 扩展的服务产品, 以及获得新技术的途径, they can also pose significant challenges that may negatively impact the quality of service provided to clients. It’s important that business leaders recognize the signs that their managed service provider’s (MSP) acquisition might not be going as smoothly as intended. 通过了解这些潜力[…]



There is no standard day for Andy, a Project Engineer at 澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation. 有一天,他正在家里进行SharePoint的新部署, and the next he could be loading 100-pound battery backups into a network rack at a client site. 安迪已经为今天的任务做好了准备, 无论是花几个小时开车去现场工作, 或者舒服地坐在办公桌前. Andy’s career at Bellwether began more than 10 years ago when he started out as a Service Desk Technician shortly after he finished college. 他花了[…]


澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation is a New Orleans Top Workplace 2019 – 2024 

(新奥尔良, 路易斯安那州, 6月23日, 2024) – 澳门赌场网址大全 Corporation is recognized as a Top Workplace by The Times-Picayune and The New Orleans Advocate for the sixth consecutive year. This award is determined entirely by employee feedback collected through a third-party survey that assesses crucial elements of employee experience, 包括尊重和支持的感觉, 成长机会, 赋予他们的角色权力. “Being recognized as a Top Workplace is a significant achievement because it comes directly from the voices of our employees,史蒂文·埃利斯说, 澳门网赌大全网址公司首席执行官. “我们努力成为一个有才华的专业人士想要的地方[…]



Have you been hesitant to upgrade your organization’s 微软365 subscriptions from Standard to Premium because you’re not sure it’s worth the extra cost? 对增加支出持谨慎态度是可以理解的. 然而, it might be time to reevaluate the long-term value and return on investment (ROI) that the Premium subscription offers, 特别是在安全方面. Understanding the Difference Between Standard and Premium 微软365 Business Premium includes advanced security features designed to counter modern cyber threats. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 标准订阅只提供基本保障, 这可能不足以对抗当今复杂的网络攻击. 升级到金币更好[…]


现在开始计划Windows 10停止支持

Microsoft has announced that Windows 10 will reach its End of Life (EOL) in October 2025. EOL refers to the date when Microsoft officially ends support for the operating system (OS), 包括软件更新, 安全补丁, 以及技术援助. 在EOL(或终止支持)日期之后, Windows 10系统将不再接收这些重要的更新和服务. The implications of Windows 10 EOL are significant for businesses still running the operating system. 没有持续的支持, Windows 10 will become increasingly vulnerable to security threats as new weaknesses are discovered. Additionally, businesses may encounter compatibility issues with newer software […]



Understanding that Microsoft Copilot can make work faster and more efficient is valuable, 但这是实际的, 真实世界的应用程序真正证明了它的有用性. The application of this advanced AI within your team’s daily tasks is where the abstract concept of AI meets the concrete reality of improved workflows and productivity. 微软熟悉的工具——word, Excel, Outlook和powerpoint可能在办公桌上很常见, but Copilot’s integration with these applications shows up differently depending on the user’s role. This article offers a glimpse into how your team can harness Copilot in ways that matter most to their specific duties. 我们正在分享这些[…]

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